Stop Snoring. Sleep Better.

Habitual Snoring and Its Health Dangers

Some people snore only when their allergies act up while others are light, occasional
snorers who are no threat to themselves or to others. Some snorers, however, can be
classified as habitual, and it is they who should most be concerned with the health
(often ill-health) effects of habitual or incessant snoring.

Statistically, men and overweight persons are most susceptible to snoring, but snoring
can also be hereditary and run in familes. Smoking, alcohol consumption and the taking
of sedatives can also contribute to snoring, as can certain nose and jaw problems
and/or abnormalities. The salient point is that no one has to live with — and suffer
from — snoring. There are treatments available.

Snoring occurs because the air flow through the mouth and nose has been physically
obstructed. Such obstruction can be caused by several (sometimes overlapping) causes,
which are:

  • Obstructed nasal airways: Obstruction can be caused by allergies, but more serious (and treatable) causes involve a deviated septum (a defect in the wall separating one’s two nostrils) and nasal polyps.
  • Poor muscle tone in the throat and tongue: Throat and tongue muscles can relax due to aging, alcohol consumption, sleeping pills and even deep sleep. The relaxation causes the muscles to fall back into the airway, creating a blockage.
  • Bulky throat tissue: Too much, or bulky, throat tissue can also block the airway and is often the result of being overweight.
  • Long soft palate and/or uvula. A long soft palate or a long uvula, which is the angling matter at the back of the mouth, can work to narrow the opening from the nose to the throat, creating an obstruction that results in snoring.

Habitual snorers run several health risks, especially those suffering from sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea sufferers often undergo long interruptions in their breathing, awake from
their sleep repeatedly (even if they don’t realize it), sleep lightly in an effort to
breathe better, and ultimately may face high blood pressure and enlarged heart issues.

Light or seasonal snorers problem don’t need medical help, though even they may want to
increase their sleep hygiene and sleep results through medical consultation.

Habitutal snorers, however, should definitely seek help, especially if they experience
one or more of the following:

  • Falling asleep during normal waking hours
  • Becoming irritable
  • Losing concentration
  • Becoming depressed

These conditions may not always be the result of snoring, but if you’re a habitual
snorer, you should connect the dots and seek professional help. There is no reason to
let your snoring lead you to more serious and even debilitating diseases that can be
preventing by taking care of your snoring problem.

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