Stop Snoring. Sleep Better.

Snoring Can Result in Reduced Productivity at Work

Those of you with snoring problems that result in daytime fatigue generally will also face problems at work because of the sleep deprivation issues involved.

A study at Sweden’s University Hospital at Uppsula found that that those who snored or suffered from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) faced increased difficulties in concentration, learning new tasks and performing monotonous tasks when compared to non-snorers.

Jan Ulfberg. M.D., and associates came to their conclusions after studying men from age 30 to 64. Their study also confirmed a connection between body mass and snoring, which has been previously reported (overweight individuals tend to snore more, in other words).

Thus snoring is more than just an inconvenience to one’s spouse or sleeping partner; it is also a detriment to one’s performance at work and potentially to one’s career achievements.

There are many causes of snoring besides just weight; many causes are congenital, others acquired through life-style or physical challenges. In almost every case, however, there is a treatment that can lessen and/or eliminate the snoring problem.

Getting tested and treated is particularly important if you suffer from OSA or even just from loud, chronic snoring. The former to a great extent and the latter to a good extent can lead to problems such as hypertension, irregular heart rhythm and heart problems in general.

If you snore, it is always in your best interest to seek professional advice from those who have been specially trained in sleep problems and their treatments. Don’t just shrug it off as “normal.” Your career could well suffer as a result, to say nothing of the problems you may cause in your relationships with interrupted sleeping.

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