Stop Snoring. Sleep Better.

Treatments for Snoring and Sleep Apnea in the Lone Star State’s Capital

Fact: 45 percent of adults snore at least occasionally.

Fact: 25 percent of adults are habitual snorers.

Fact: Snoring can be an indicator of sleep apnea or severe allergy problems.

Texas State Capitol by Kumar Appaiah CC BY-SA 2.0

At the Snoring Center in Austin, we offer a myriad of minimally invasive treatments designed to stop snoring. Our procedures and treatments are performed in our offices and can usually be done the same day as diagnosis. The process begins with a quick consultation, and based on the patient’s specific problem, our trained staff then works with the patient to determine the optimal procedure for best results.

Depending on the patient’s unique situation we might recommend the Pillar Procedure, Turbinate Coblation, Palate Coblation, or Oral Appliances. For cases needing additional diagnosis, we offer a Home Sleep Study, which is a simple cost-effective alternative to a lab-based sleep study. The fast access to data improves our success rate in properly diagnosing your snoring problems.  We also offer traditional Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Devices, (also known as CPAP). However, our extensive experience has shown us that most patients cannot tolerate CPAP. Finally, for the relatively small number of patients suffering from very severe snoring, anatomic problems or sleep apnea, we provide more invasive, advanced surgical treatment.

A Final, Important Fact: Snoring is not only terrible for the patient; it can bring misery to the patient’s sleeping partner, as well. When one person snores it can have a negative impact on the entire household.

Treating a snoring problem benefits you, as well as those who live with you. If you live in Austin and you think (or you have heard!) you have a snoring problem, come visit the Snoring Center today for a consultation.

Your Doctor: Craig Schwimmer, MD, MPH, FACS, The Snoring Center’s Founder and Medical Director

Dr. Schwimmer is a Board Certified Otolaryngologist (Head and Neck Surgeon). A 1991 graduate of the Emory University School of Medicine, he completed his otolaryngology training at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, studying under some of the leading clinicians and scientists in the field of snoring and sleep apnea. He has co-authored numerous articles on the subject, including pioneering work on the relationship between obstructive sleep apnea and gastroesophageal reflux.

After six years of residency training, he practiced in Baltimore, Maryland, where he was also a member of the teaching faculty at Johns Hopkins University and actively involved in training otolaryngology residents. Since 2001, he has practiced in Dallas, where he founded The Snoring Center.

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