Total Reviews on Yelp

We have calculated our average on Yelp including hidden and visible reviews. To read our 110 hidden reviews, scroll down to the bottom of our Yelp profile and click on the following.

Review Score Out of Score Date Status
4.048387097 5 Total Average Score
1 5 7/16/2018 Visible
5 5 5/4/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/23/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/23/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/20/2018 Hidden
1 5 4/16/2018 Visible
5 5 4/13/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/12/2018 Hidden
5 5 4/9/2018 Hidden
2 5 2/1/2018 Hidden
1 5 1/20/2018 Hidden
1 5 12/5/2017 Visible
1 5 10/14/2017 Hidden
5 5 10/10/2017 Hidden
5 5 8/24/2017 Hidden
1 5 7/18/2017 Hidden
5 5 5/19/2017 Hidden
1 5 4/11/2017 Hidden
1 5 3/23/2017 Hidden
4 5 2/20/2017 Hidden
1 5 2/5/2017 Hidden
5 5 2/3/2017 Hidden
5 5 1/9/2017 Hidden
1 5 10/29/2016 Hidden
5 5 10/26/2016 Hidden
1 5 10/25/2016 Visible
5 5 10/19/2016 Hidden
5 5 10/19/2016 Hidden
5 5 10/19/2016 Hidden
5 5 10/18/2016 Hidden
5 5 10/18/2016 Hidden
1 5 10/17/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/19/2016 Hidden
2 5 9/18/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/7/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/7/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/2/2016 Hidden
5 5 9/2/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/23/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/22/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/19/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/19/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/19/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/18/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/18/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/17/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/17/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/17/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/12/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/12/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/11/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/11/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/10/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/10/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/10/2016 Hidden
5 5 8/10/2016 Hidden
5 5 7/21/2016 Hidden
5 5 7/18/2016 Hidden
5 5 6/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 5/28/2016 Hidden
5 5 5/11/2016 Hidden
5 5 5/6/2016 Hidden
5 5 4/14/2016 Hidden
5 5 4/14/2016 Hidden
5 5 4/13/2016 Hidden
5 5 4/13/2016 Hidden
5 5 4/11/2016 Hidden
5 5 4/4/2016 Hidden
5 5 2/18/2016 Hidden
5 5 1/20/2016 Hidden
1 5 12/3/2015 Hidden
1 5 11/19/2015 Visible
1 5 11/4/2015 Visible
5 5 9/9/2015 Hidden
5 5 9/7/2015 Hidden
5 5 8/26/2015 Hidden
5 5 8/26/2015 Hidden
5 5 8/21/2015 Hidden
1 5 5/26/2015 Hidden
1 5 5/22/2015 Visible
1 5 3/27/2015 Visible
5 5 3/25/2015 Hidden
1 5 8/15/2014 Hidden
1 5 4/1/2014 Hidden
1 5 2/18/2014 Hidden
1 5 11/4/2013 Hidden
1 5 10/4/2013 Hidden
1 5 8/12/2013 Hidden
1 5 6/27/2013 Hidden
1 5 4/16/2013 Hidden
5 5 11/20/2012 Hidden
5 5 11/14/2012 Hidden
5 5 11/5/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/25/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/21/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/20/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/20/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/18/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/17/2012 Hidden
5 5 9/13/2012 Hidden
4 5 7/25/2012 Hidden
1 5 7/24/2012 Hidden
5 5 7/11/2011 Hidden
5 5 5/16/2011 Hidden
5 5 5/10/2011 Hidden
3 5 4/8/2011 Hidden
5 5 12/3/2010 Hidden
5 5 9/15/2010 Hidden
5 5 8/23/2010 Hidden
5 5 8/9/2010 Hidden
5 5 7/12/2010 Visible
4.048387097 5 Total Average Score

Let Us Help You

  • We accept the following insurance:

    Cigna Insurance Blue Cross Blue Shield Aetna Insurance United Healthcare

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  • After A Week, I Could Already Feel Big Improvements

    “I’ve always had large tonsils, but recently they became a big problem for me. I had Laser Tonsillectomy to reduce the size of my tonsils, and the results are great. The procedure was not a big deal and over before I knew it. I went to a Mexican restaurant directly after my procedure and ate chips and tacos. And, after a week, I could already feel big improvements.”

    - Justin L.

  • I Was Way Past The Normal Age For A Tonsillectomy, And I Was Skeptical About The Laser Procedure

    “The Snoring Center has improved my quality of life. After numerous episodes of tonsillitis, I was searching for anything to help. I was way past the normal age for a tonsillectomy, and I was skeptical about the Laser Tonsillectomy procedure. However, Dr. Schwimmer and the entire staff at The Snoring Center were very nice and professional and made the entire process fast and relatively pain free. I experienced very little discomfort during the procedure and very minor pain afterwards. Within a few hours, I was eating normal food. The best part is that since the Laser Tonsillectomy procedure I have not had a single episode of tonsillitis or even a sore throat. Thank you Snoring Center!”

    - Daniel A.

  • I Can Breathe Through My Nose For The First Time In 16 Years

    “My nasal allergies are so bad that it is debilitating. I love outdoor activities, but often I can’t partake or I pay the price. I heard about turbinate reduction at The Snoring Center and that it can help with nasal allergy symptoms. For me it has done much more than “help”, I can breathe through my nose for the first time in 16 years. This really is life changing. Thank you!”

    - Ryan W.

  • The Entire Procedure Took Only About 10 Minutes. But, It Changed My Life

    “I have suffered all of my life from nasal allergies. I meet with clients all day and allergy season is awful. It is embarrassing to continually blow my nose and sniffle during meetings. Not to mention the expense of regular doctor’s visits and daily medication. I was happy to have Turbinate Reduction at The Snoring Center. The entire procedure took only about 10 minutes, but it changed my life. Thank you Snoring Center.”

    - Kelly F.

  • It Truly Was A Life-Changing Experience

    “Turbinate Reduction not only helped my allergies but also my sinus headaches. This changed my life from someone who has had allergies since I was five years old to someone who is allergy-free. I would like to thank Dr. Schwimmer for all he has done for me. It truly was a life-changing experience.”

    - John B.